Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Getting started series #5 Eyeliner

Hieeeeee Beauty Addicts (and Enthusiasts!)

Now we're onto one of my most favourite-est ever make-up topics. If in doubt, slap some black lines around your eyes must be a secret life mantra for me…not necessarily something which will sit well with just anyone ;)

The full spectrum of my eyeliner
based life choices - winged,
wannabe drag queen and subtle
summer natural vibe.
Much like eyebrows, eyeliner (in conjunction with mascara….next up!) is crucial in really framing your face, emphasising your peepers and giving the illusion of lovely, long lashes that you can bat at the nearest Mr Darcy a-like to your heart's content. Or just so that when you check yourself out in unexpected reflective surfaces you don't suddenly want to yelp and hide yourself under a rock mid-afternoon (we all do it, right…don't we…?)

For those dipping a toe in the make-up water I'd suggest that colour and formulation are going to be really important. A cream / matte grey or brown will feel a lot more wearable than the black to which we make-up mavens are automatically drawn. At least as you start to venture out during daylight hours with lines around your eyes. Additionally, pencil is usually an easy start - I've listed the various formulations in order of ease of use and you can link back to my smoked out liner look for placement ideas.

- Pencil - to get a good line you'll want a relatively soft pencil so you don't have to drag your lids to get decent colour pay-off. If in doubt, apply little dots and use a sponge tipped smudger to blend them out. Pencils now come in gel and kohl formula options, I've included recs for both:

Kohl - MAC's teddy is fairly iconic and friendly to all, otherwise I like Rimmel, L'Oreal or Illamasqua.
Gel - these are softer pencils, with a more intense pay off. I like Avon, Rimmel or Sleek (not strictly gel). MAC Powerpoint pencils are a great option if you want to play with some glittery shades.

- Powder - you can either buy a powder liner (try No7 or Smashbox) or just use an eyeshadow over a lightly blended pencil line. Easy smokey liner look.

- Gel - although the pot plus brush is intimidating to look at, it's surprisingly easy to work with. Bobbi Brown, MAC and Illamasqua all do versions but I also love L'Oreal's on the High Street - longer lasting than Maybelline's offering in my experience. High Street has more limited colour selections.

- Liquid - the hardest formulation to work with (marginally better in one of the felt tip formats) so not one for beginners. Great for the pin-up '50s look with red lips - but achievable with gel if you've not got a steady hand. Illamasqua's precision ink is lovely but if you want to stick to classic colours save pennies and opt for L'Oreal's Superliner. Eyeko do a nice felt-tippy version - but the High Street is awash with those at the moment so have a play.

Lots of love 'til next time kitty cats

xx Josephine xx

Come join me on social media:

Twitter: @JojoSparklesNI
Instagram: @josephinesparkles_ni

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